My Weightloss Progress in Numbers

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My size 12 HOT blazer

Here it is... My size 12 blazer... It's hot, it's bold, and it's all mine! And oh yeah, it's a size 12. Did I mention it was a size 12? :))))

See, it says size 12. :))

I plan to wear it soon, so as soon as I do, I will take photos to show. :))


kazz said...

I love the colour of that jacket! Look forward to a pic of you in it at some point :) well done!

Anonymous said...

Love it!

nothing said...

Yay size 12!

Joey said...

OMG! I love the before and after pictures! You look great! We were banded only one month apart. Congratulations!

Hijabi Lapster said...

Kazz, thanks! :) I have an occasion in about a week and a half which I am saving it for. I can;t wait to wear it and show it off too! :)

Vickie, thanks! :)

Bec, yesss :) You know what I mean :)))

Joey, thanks :) I can't get over your transformation either :)